When is The Best Time to Dive with Mola Mola in Bali?
Would you like to dive with Mola Mola in Bali? Do you have diving with the Elusive Mola Mola in Bali on your bucket list too and are you wondering what the best time of year is to dive with these amazing fish? in this article, we explain where and when you should go to check this off your bucket list.
A Mola Mola in the Blue
Oh, those bucket lists of things you would like to see – every diver has one, and do not even try to deny it! When I started diving, my first dives after the qualifying dives in a (cold) lake in Bavaria, were in the Red Sea, and I could not believe the sheer beauty of it all!
Colorful fish and fantastic corals everywhere! Back on the boat, I told my fellow divers about my wonderful experience, which was countered by the question: “Nice, but did you see the turtle, too?” I hadn’t and thus the bucket list came into existence with the turtle being item number one on it. I did manage to cross it off the list the same day, but as my diving skills and experience have evolved, so has my bucket list.
In the beginning, it was very general and all about seeing a dolphin, a shark, a huge fish, but now my specifications have become much more detailed. On top of my bucket list, today are the ever elusive sailfish, which always shows up seconds before I enter the water or finished my dive, with one foot still on the steps of the dive boat.
And then there is the big, old tiger shark, that is so pelagic that you would have to be lucky to get a good glimpse of him, and last but not least the weird and wonderful Mola Mola, that travels up from ridiculous depths to soak up some sun on the water surface.
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How can you increase your chance of seeing a Mola Mola?
While Mola Molas or Sunfish are found in various dive sites around the world, including both temperate and tropical waters of the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Indian Ocean, but one of the most beautiful places to see them is in Bali.
But before heading off to Bali and diving below the waves in search of the Mola, continue reading to learn more about the Mola Mola and when the best time of year is to find them.
What is a Mola Mola anyway?
The Mola Mola is also frequently referred to as the Ocean Sunfish and is closely related to more frequent inhabitants of the coral reef, the puffer and porcupine fish, and a family reunion must be quite funny to watch.
The Mola Mola was given this nickname because of the animal’s habit to spend quite a bit of time at the surface of the ocean, catching some of the warm rays of the sun, much like a beachgoer spends time lying on the sand to get a tan. Molas are pelagic and can reach depths of over 500m / 1500ft, so it is highly unlikely (though possible) you will encounter them by pure luck.
Because of the animal’s flattened body, you may have heard it called by various other nicknames as well. But even though people may refer to this incredible creature by different names, it certainly does not change the fact that it is one of the most sought-after species of marine life for scuba divers from around the planet, including me!
The Mola Mola has a rough texture, is gray in color, and has a rounded body. In fact, “mola” translates to “millstone” in Latin, so it’s no wonder that it was named the mola fish.
Another fun fact is, that these fish also hold two world records, for being the world’s heaviest bony fish and laying the most eggs, and have made it into the “Guinness Book of World Records” for these properties.
If you plan on scuba diving with Mola Mola in Bali, you can rest assured that there will be plenty of other gorgeous marine species to see because this animal needs to eat a diversified diet and a high volume of other fish to survive. The Mola Mola thrives on creatures like jellyfish, squid, small fish, and fish larvae.
Adult Mola Molas can reach a size of up to 3.2 meters, or 10.5 feet, and they can weigh up to 3,200 kg, although they average around 1,000 kg. And the great thing is that these animals are completely safe to be around and pose no threat to scuba divers what so ever.
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Where is The Best Place to find Mola Mola in Bali?
Although the Mola Mola is found in tropical and temperate oceans around the world, they are common in Bali, making this one of the most popular destinations for scuba diving with these unusual fish.
In fact, many of the dive sites in Bali are so popular because the Mola Mola is known to spend its time there, and divers can get an up-close and personal with this intriguing animal in Bali’s crystal clear waters.
What is The Best Time to Dive With Mola Mola in Bali?
If you want to dive with Mola Mola in Bali, you should come in Mola Mola season which is between July and November.
During this time of year, you can swim, snorkel and dive with these animals in some of Bali’s best dive sites, such as Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Padangbai & Candidasa.
However, scuba divers who wish to dive with the Mola Mola have to be prepared to deal with strong currents at these dive sites, which can be quite challenging and occasionally dangerous.
[the_ad_group id="1251"]Therefore, only advanced divers with plenty of experience should pursue these dive sites. If you are a beginner or intermediate diver, keep gaining valuable experience diving in deep, unpredictable currents and you will someday be able to swim with the Mola Mola in Bali as well!
In the meantime keep working on that bucket list! Next up on mine is the Leafy Sea Dragon, endemic to Australia’s South and West coast. Looking at flights as we speak!
What is next on your bucket list, and have you dived or snorkeled with the Mola Mola yet? Let us know in the comments below.
This article is written by RUSHKULT, the online booking platform for Scuba Diving. Visit the RUSHKULT platform to book your next Scuba Dive training, guided trip, and accommodation. [the_ad id="10253"]
Great article – thanks for that.
You are correct about many things you say about the Mola Mola, but while July to November is kind of the peak season for Mola sightings, after four years living as a Dive Instructor in Bali, I am pleased to say that in the past two years they have been sighted all year round.
Our team at Bali Scuba wil often come back from diving with guests with multiple Mola sightings in one day. Just last week I saw a Mola at the surface around 4-5 metres from our boat while we were all having lunch. Needless to say, most of the Scuba divers quickly became snorkelers and had an amazing time with these gentle fish of the deep.
Thanks again for your words to promote getting people in the water with the notorious Mola.
See you all soon in Bali.