Diary of a Dive Master Trainee

So, here I am, not living in Sweden any longer. I moved to Malta the 3rd of February and I have now been here for nearly a month. It took me some while to settle down but after one week I went to the dive center to make a schedule for my Dive Master. In September 2011 I had done some of the things I had to accomplish to get my certification but I still had some left.
The 17th of February I did my Dive Master exam, I ended up with 92 % right answers, so I passed it. That evening we celebrated with a nice dinner al. After all the studying I had finally passed the exam that had worried me a bit. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be actually, but better to study a bit more than less, isn’t it?
My first two dives here in Malta, in the sea, was the 18th of February and I was helping out the instructor while he had some try divers. I love helping out and see how much the first-time-divers enjoy the trip!. I am more and more realizing that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

After the try dives me and another Dive Master Trainee did our equipment exchange, it was hilarious. We had different cylinders (me with a 10 and the other one with a 12) and also different weights in the BCD and on the weight belt. I therefore I was a bit afraid that when we were going to change BCD and belt one of us would float to the surface. This didn’t happen fortunately and we both passed!
After this one we also did the 100 m tow diver, the last thing on my physic test, I did the swimming test in September 2011. Also this one went great, even though we had a hard time with current and waves.
The 20th of February me and my instructor went to Cirkewwa, a very nice dive site with two really nice wrecks and even a arch and some swim throughs. I did the dive briefing and the leading of a dive for my certification and I did great.
My instructor told me today that in a week or two I be certified – yeah! Soon I will be a Dive Master or as my boyfriend calls me – a Diva Master 😉 One step towards my goal is soon taken and then I will go on with the AI and IDC, the exams are in May, I really hope I will pass that as well… Ready to go diving!
Guest Blog written by: Camilla Appelgren
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