Diving the Great Barrier Reef – Magnetic Island
Few divers could argue that one of the most desirable destinations to delve into is the Great Barrier Reef. More specifically, diving from Magnetic Island is viewed as the ultimate experience, and some people will save up for years just to invest the money to go on such a vacation.
Following on from this, we take a look at some of the features that make diving from Magnetic Island the incredible experience that it is.

The water climate
It would be fair to say that some diving destinations may look pleasant on the eye, but may not be the best waters to dive into.
Bearing this in mind, the dive sites around Magnetic Island go completely against this grain.
Few people will argue that the waters are not those glistening sights that make some destinations so alluring. However, what it lacks in beauty (and when we say lacks, it is an overstatement), it provides in climate.
Most areas around the island have an average water temperature of 28 degrees in the summer, with this only dropping by around 5 degrees for the winter months.
Moreover, the waters are also quite shallow, which means that the area is open to novice divers as well as those that boast plenty of experience.
The proximity to the Outer Great Barrier Reef
As mentioned above, one of the drawbacks of Magnetic Island is the quality of the water – which isn’t quite as clear as other areas.
Admittedly, it’s still an incredible sight, but nothing compared to the Outer Great Barrier Reef. Fortunately, this region is very close, and there are a huge number of trips so visitors can marvel in the beautiful horizons.
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Explore, explore, explore
One of the most exciting parts about diving is undoubtedly exploring the vast waters.
Even though the Great Barrier Reef is renowned for its beauty from land, those who are lucky enough to dive around Magnetic Island will have too many things to explore.
One of the most impressive sights according to a lot of travellers are the shipwrecks and, fortunately, there’s not just one or two, but countless sunken boats.
There are several famous wrecks such as the Yongala, with this particular one ranked as one of the top five sights of its kind in the world.
For those who require a helping hand to locate the wreck, there are scheduled tours throughout the day that travel directly to the site.
Learn to dive at Magnetic Island
For most of this article, it is assumed that you are a seasoned diver who will have no problems in negotiating the Magnetic Island waters.
Of course, this will not apply to everyone, and there will be plenty of diving novices who visit the area for the experience.
Fortunately, Magnetic Island can accommodate such divers as there are countless diving courses run in the area.
Moreover, it’s not just beginners that are targeted through these lessons, but there are a whole range of different levels that can be embarked on to make your diving experience around the Great Barrier Reef even more beneficial.
Boat diving
Some people will take a trip to the region to experience boat diving and just like diving of the normal variety, this is something that is extra special during a trip to the Great Barrier Reef.
It’s a well-known fact that diving of this type is not suited to all areas, although fortunately Magnetic Island does not fall into this category. The region boasts plenty of calm anchorages that allow for easy docking while the sheltered bays also aid with this experience.
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This article is published by The Scuba Page, the online magazine for Scuba Dive lovers around the world. The Scuba Page is part of RUSHKULT : the online booking platform for adventure sports. Visit the RUSHKULT platform to book your next Scuba Dive training, guided trip and accommodation.
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